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Spread the Word

Spread the Word

Please help us invite everyone! Thank you!

Media You Can Print

Media You Can Print

These black-and-white flyers print well on a home or office printer:

half-page black-and-white flyer in English, Spanish, and Vietnamese

full-page black-and-white flyer in English, Spanish, and Vietnamese

These full-color flyers print best at an office supply store or professional print shop: 

half-page full-color flyer in English, Spanish, and Vietnamese

full-page full-color flyer in English, Spanish, and Vietnamese

FREE DOWNLOAD: 2023 Family Activity Booklet.

2024AZ Rosary FP BW English Tucson.jpg
2024AZ Rosary FP BW Spanish Tucson.jpg
2024AZ Rosary FP BW Vietnamese Tucson.jpg
AZ Rosary HP BW English Tucson.jpg
AZ Rosary HP BW Vietnamese Tucson.jpg
AZ Rosary HP BW Spanish Tucson.jpg
AZ Rosary FP color Vietnamese Tucson.jpg
AZ Rosary FP color Spanish Tucson.jpg
AZ Rosary FP color English Tucson.jpg
AZ Rosary HP Vietnamese Tucson.jpg
AZ Rosary HP Spanish Tucson.jpg
AZ Rosary HP English Tucson.jpg

Parish Bulletin & Pulpit Announcements

Watch here for bulletin and pulpit announcements you can download and share at your parish. Coming Summer 2024

Please see the gallery of social media images for images you can include in digital displays and print in the bulletin. Thank you!

Media You Can Request

Media You Can Request - 11x17 poster, event card

Send an e-mail to

to request 11x17 posters, half-page flyers, or event reminder cards.

Available starting in summer 2024 while supplies last.

Thank you for sharing our invitation with your family and friends.

Social Media Images You Can Share

Image Gallery

Please download and share images to invite family and friends to Arizona Rosary Celebration in Tucson. Share on social media. Attach to an e-mail, insert in a document, put in a slide presentation. Ask your parish bulletin coordinator to post in the bulletin and include in digital displays at church. Thank you!

Go to the Events

Go to the Events

Holy Hour & Dinner
Arizona Rosary Celebration in Tucson:

Please click here for a printable schedule of events.

Holy Hour & Dinner in Tucson the night before the celebration:

You are invited!

Friday, October 25, 2024

Holy Hour at 6:00 p.m. and Dinner at 7:00 p.m.

Hosted by: St. Mark the Evangelist

6:00 p.m. Holy Hour and 7:00 p.m. Dinner

Immaculate Heart Gym

425 E Magee Rd., Tucson, AZ 85704


Holy Hour is free, of course, but you do need to buy a ticket in order to go to the dinner.

Dinner tickets $25.00. Please make check payable to K of C Council 13272.

Download form and pay by mail here.

Prefer to register and pay online?

1. Scan and send registration to 

2. Pay online with this link:

Thank you!

Arizona Rosary Celebration in Tucson:

Saturday, October 26, 2024

St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Church, 8650 N. Shannon Rd., Tucson, AZ 85742

10:00 a.m. - 12:15 p.m.: Blessing Procession, Music, Guest Speaker Fr. Zachary of the Mother of God, SOLT, Rosary

Your Special Intentions

Your Special Intentions

Blessing Procession and Parish Family Representative 
Prayer Intentions
Prayer Campaign

Imagine thousands of people praying together for YOUR special intentions.

Just imagine joining your prayers to theirs. 

Blessing Procession and Parish Family Representative Pre-register your whole family or a small group of up to 4 people representing a school, Knights of Columbus council, or any Catholic organization. The Blessing Procession starts the program at 10:00 as participants process in and are blessed by Bishop Weisenburger. Some families choose to carry a rose to present to Our Lady. Some organizations carry a banner with their name.

Please download the form and send it in to join the procession as a family or small group.

Thank you.

Bishop's Blessing Procession - Family

Bishop's Blessing Procession - Group

Prayer Intentions Prayer boxes are located at most parishes throughout the Diocese of Tucson so you can write out your prayer intentions and drop them in the box. Your parish representative will bring the box of prayer intentions to Arizona Rosary Celebration. We will pray together to lift your intentions to God during the celebration, and we will continue praying for your intentions all year. Please download a prayer intention slip and write down your prayer intentions, or write them on your own piece of paper. Put the written prayer intentions in the box at your parish or bring them to the celebration in October and place them in the prayer intention basket when you come into St. Elizabeth Ann Seton church. God bless you.

Prayer Campaign Please join our prayer campaign for this statewide event. The prayer campaign is updated monthly. Thank you!

For a Bigger Experience

For a Bigger Experience...

Altar Server
Program Book Advertising
Commemorative Pin

Looking for a bigger experience? Here are some ideas...

Altar Server Altar servers process in the Blessing Procession and may assist at the altar as well. Every Altar Server has an important role in this celebration and is part of the Blessed Sacrament Procession. We hope to gather a record number of Altar Servers from across the Diocese to lead the procession of the Blessed Sacrament to the Altar. After the celebration, each Altar Server will be gifted with a Miraculous Medal blessed by Pope Francis and a Rosary from the Knights of Columbus. Parish and School group photos will be taken with Bishop. Would you or someone you know like to be an altar server in this wonderful celebration? We hope to include representatives from every parish in the Diocese of Tucson. Please download the Altar Server Registration Form or follow this link to sign up today. Thank you!

Program Book Advertising The program book reaches thousands of Catholics both in print and online. Get the word out about your event, effort, organization, or prayer petition. Ads can be purchased now for the program book that will be distributed in October.

Commemorative Pin Wear your commemorative pin to remember the prayer intentions of this event, and also as a conversation starter for inviting family and friends to Arizona Rosary Celebration in October. To purchase a pin with the image of Our Lady, Queen of Peace, send an e-mail to Thank you.


Your presence at Arizona Rosary Celebration
is public witness to the faith.

Let's Pray the Rosary in Tucson, Arizona!
Saturday, October 26, 2024 from 10:00 a.m. to 12:15 p.m.
St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Church, 8650 N. Shannon Rd., Tucson, AZ 85742
Thank you. God bless you. We can't wait to see you!

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Praying the Rosary as a community for the intentions of the faithful.

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