Silver Rose
Bringing a Strong Pro-Life Message to Arizona Rosary Celebration

The association of roses with the image of Our Lady of Guadalupe, Patroness of the Americas, is historic and the presentation of the Silver Rose recognizes her role today in the protection of the unborn.
Every year the Silver Rose tours Canada, the US and Mexico and finishes up at the shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe in Mexico. Over the years, this activity involved the Knights of Columbus Columbian Squires and youth of the diocese participating in prayer vigils and processions at each stop along its pilgrimage journey to its final destination. The Knights of Columbus provide the escort and transfer of the Silver Rose to each successive jurisdiction. This year’s journey is the Silver Rose’s 65th annual event and is symbolic of the Knights of Columbus’ commitment to the sanctity of life.
The Dioceses of Tucson and Phoenix have been fortunate to participate in the symbolic "Running of the Silver Rose" during the Arizona Rosary Celebration in Tucson and Phoenix, Arizona. This year we are fortunate to have the tour schedule for the Silver Rose coincide with our Arizona Rosary Celebration at both Tucson and Phoenix and the procession of the Rose will be a special part of the Celebration in both cities.