The Arizona Rosary Celebration Needs Your Prayers
Our Lady of Guadalupe, Pray for Us!
Prayer Intentions Play a Major Role
in the Arizona Rosary Celebration
Everyone desires to share with the Lord their deepest heartfelt desires, wishes, intentions, devotions, and prayers. The Arizona Rosary Celebration is the place to bring those intentions and prayers. As part of the Arizona Rosary Celebration prayer campaign, the faithful are encouraged to submit their prayer intentions. The prayers will be offered up during the celebration. Every intention submitted will also be included in the prayers of the Charismatic Renewal Ministries throughout the coming year. So, through the power of the prayers of thousands, one's own intentions can be included and offered up to God, Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, through the intercession of His mother Mary, by the power of the Holy Spirit.
To have your prayer intentions included among those offered during the Arizona Rosary Celebration, simply write your prayer intentions on this prayer intention form, on any piece of paper, and bring the paper with you to the celebration in either Tucson or Phoenix. You may wish to print this special page for kids to write or draw their prayer petitions. Place your prayer intentions in the intention box or basket. If you can't make it to the Arizona Rosary Celebration, look for a prayer intention box in the vestibule of your local parish. They will be collected locally and taken to the celebration.
Prayers and Intentions
(Updates monthly, May to October)

Pray this short prayer daily:
Lord, no one who has obeyed and taken up their cross
has been sent away from you unsatisfied.
You alone are God and the source of all goodness, and we ask that you assist us in spreading the word about the annual Knights of Columbus Arizona Rosary Celebration. We also beg that you help the community to support this event financially. Amen.
Bring your family.
Invite your friends.
Arizona Rosary Celebration
October 18, 2025 in Tucson
October 19, 2025 in Phoenix